本系列电动机防爆性能符合GB3836.1--2000《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第1部分》和GB3836.2--2000《爆炸性气体环境用电气设备第2部分:隔爆型“d”》的规定,也符合IEC91-1,BS4683和EN50018的规定,制成隔爆型。防爆标志为ExdⅡ AT4、ExdⅡ BT4,适用于有爆炸性气体混合物存在的场所。
ExdⅡ AT4适用于工厂用Ⅱ类A级,温度组别为T1、T2、T3和T4组爆炸性气体混合物存在的环境。
ExdⅡ BT4适用于工厂用Ⅱ类B级,温度组别为T1、T2、T3和T4组爆炸性气体混合物存在的环境。
1、General Description
Superseding the old generation of series KLYBDC2,series KLYBDC series flameproof single phass asynchronous motors,the basic series of flameproof motors,are developed and manufactured by our company.This series motors are of remarkable features,such ascompact construction,light weight,attractive appearance,safe and reliable operaton life,excellent performance and easy maintenance.
For this series motors,the output ratings and mounting dimensions conform to the specifications of IEC standards and the correlation between them basically agrees with EIN42673.The motors are easy to complete with export machinery and equiment and to supply as spare accessories in the improt equipment.
This series motors are designed and manufactured into flameproof type and the flameproof property conforms to China National Standards.
GB3836.1--2000 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres General Requirements
GB3836.2--2000 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres Flameproof Enclosure“d”and stabdards
IEC79-1,BS4683 and EN50018,The explosion protection marks are ExdⅡ AT4,ExdⅡ BT4.They are safe to use in the locations where there are explosive mixtures of gas-and vapor-air.
“ExdⅠ”-safe for use in the non-mining surfaces of underground coal mines where the explosive minxtures
Of methane or coal-dust are present.
“ExdⅡ AT4”safe for use in plants where the explosive mixtures of Ⅱ A Class,T1,T2,T3 orT4 are present.
“ExdⅡ BT4”safe for use in plants where the explosive mixtures of Ⅱ B Class,T1,T2,T3 orT4 are present.
based on series YB2 motore,the motors can also be manufactured for special environments,such as outdoor locations(KLYBDC-WF1 type.)