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首页 > 供应产品 > 厂家直销高温型流量计 高温型涡轮流量传感器 耐温180℃
厂家直销高温型流量计 高温型涡轮流量传感器 耐温180℃
产品: 浏览次数:235厂家直销高温型流量计 高温型涡轮流量传感器 耐温180℃ 
单价: 3885.00元/台
最小起订量: 1 台
供货总量: 999 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-07-14 16:35




This instruction manual describes the standard specifications, model,installation,operation and maintenance of the turbine flow meter.Type LWGY turbine flow meter is a velocity flow meter.It is used to measure volume flow rate of a liquid that fills a closed pipeline and flows continuously in it.In actual application, Type LWGY turbine flow meter integrates with relevant flow indication instrument-XSJ Series flow integrating instrument, also, it may combine with LWGY /TBS converter display to form a integral type to measure and indicate flow raterate and quantity of a liquid, to pulse output signals and/or standard current signals and to provide power-off data protection.




The turbine flow meter is suitable for measuring a liquid flow rate of low viscosity, featuring a high accuracy and a strong bearing capacity of high process pressure.The product may be widely applied in petrochemical industry, metallurgical industry and other fields of scientific research. It may also be applied in food service industry and hydraulic systems. The pre-amplifiers are classified into common type, 4~20mA standard current signal output type and explosion proof type, and the flow detectors fall into common type, wearing resistant type and anti-corrosive type, among them, for the wearing resistant type, aside from its bearing and shaft made of hard metal (for a diameter lower than 25mm, red corundum will be used.), it has been designed to a pattern providing a proper reverse thrust to the impeller, which has made it more suitable for measuring liquids of poor lubrication.performance, such as gasoline etc.




3.1 性能指标涡轮流量计的公称通径、公称压力、最大压力损失、流量范围等技术性能见表1。




3.1 Performance IndexFor technical performances of the turbine flow meter (transducer), namely Nominal Diameter, Nominal Pressure, Max. Pressure Loss, measuring Range etc., please see Table 1 for details.



注1: 通径 32mm的无35MPa注2:“*”为特殊定货。公称通径为0.5mm的,流量范围为0.02~0.06 ,基本误差:±1%读数的,≤0.02  时,基本误差:±1%FS。公称通径为1mm的流量范围为0.03~0.100 ,基本误差:±1%读数的,≤0.03 时,基本误差:±1%FS。  公称通径为2mm的,流量范围0.040~0.13m3/h时,基本误差:±1%读数的;≤0.040m3/h时,基本误差:±1%FS(满度值的)。  公称通径为3mm的,流量范围0.085~0.250m3/h时,基本误差:±1%读数的;≤0.085m3/h基本误差:±1%FS(满度值的)。  表中所示流量范围为常规值,如有需要可根据用户要求作适度扩展,其最低流速可扩展至0.3m/s左右,有的规格可更低些,扩展区域内的精度按满度值的相对误差表示。?8?5 被测量介质:液体(避免多相流)?8?5 介质粘度范围:≤5mPɑ•S?8?5 标定:出厂前用水标定


Note: “*” stands for special order.   When the nominal diameter is 2mm and the flow rate range is 0.040~0.13m3/h, the intrinsic error  is: ±1% of reading, and when the flow rate is ≤0.040m3/h, the intrinsic error  is ±1% of full scale value.   When the nominal diameter is 3mm and the flow rate is 0.085~0.250m3/h, the intrinsic error  is: ±1% of reading, and when the flow rate is ≤0.085m3/h, the intrinsic error is ±1% full scale value The flow rate ranges indicated in the table are regular values, if needed, they may be properly expanded as user’s requirements. The minimum flow rate may be extended to about 0.3m/s, ,it may be still lower for some specifications, and accuracy in the extended area will be indicated as the relative error of the full range value.?8?5 Measured medium: liquid (avoiding multiphase flow)?8?5 Viscosity range of medium:≤5mPɑ•S?8?5 Calibration: calibrated with water before leaving the factory


3.2 正常工作条件  流体温度范围:-20~100℃次高温型:-20~130℃,高温型:-20~180℃                次低温型:-40℃~常温,低温型:-196℃~常温  环境温度普通型: -25~55℃   防爆型: -20~40℃  环境湿度:≤80%RH(不结露)电源电压:前置放大器24VDC(LWF-02,可拖动PLC),30VDC(LWF-11型电流脉冲前置放大器),5VDC(LWF-01,可拖动TTL),LWGY/TBS型转换器24VDC±10%或电池供电


3.2 Normal Operating Conditions  Fluid temperature range:-20~+100℃,high temperature type -20~+150℃  Ambient temperature:-25~55℃  Ambient humidity:≤80%RH(non-condensing)  Supply voltage: preamplifier 24V DCType LWGY/TBS converter 24 VDC±10% or battery power supply.


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